Contact information

03150, Ukraine, Kyiv, st. 66 Velika Vasylkivska, office 307
+ 38 (066) 266 97 59
+ 38 (073) 916 35 29

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About us

The European Lyceum "Scientific Perspectives" is a legal entity under private law, the main mission of which is to create a developing educational environment for the implementation of activities at the level of full general secondary education (primary education, basic secondary education, specialized secondary education), preschool education, extracurricular education by expanding the implementation in the educational process of the best European practices using innovative information technologies, distance learning forms and methods.

The European Lyceum "Scientific Perspectives" was created on the basis of the Publishing Group "Scientific Perspectives" which was founded in 2020 and is one of the most powerful publishing, scientific and educational organizations in Ukraine.

Goals of the European Lyceum "Scientific Perspectives":

  1. Modeling the developing educational environment necessary for the effective progressive development of the child at each age stage in all types of educational and extracurricular activities available to him.
  2. Consistent use of the system of personal-oriented training, taking into account: organization of monitoring of the educational process throughout the academic year; provision of special assistance when primary school students lack the qualities necessary for educational activities; use of the practice of individual tasks in the course of subject training; conducting regular consultations on basic courses and curriculum subjects; implementation of individual work in cases of intensive development and special giftedness of the child.
  3. Formation of self-development skills in students through their mastering of methods of self-knowledge, self-evaluation, self-management, self-projection in the process of educational, educational-research and extracurricular activities.
  4. Development and implementation of a comprehensive system of educational work in the process of educational and extracurricular activities aimed at the emotional, moral-aesthetic, communicative development of each child.
  5. Formation of professional relations with institutions of pre-school, full general secondary, extra-curricular, professional (vocational-technical), professional pre-higher, higher and post-graduate education, authorities and local self-government, public organizations with the aim of deepening career guidance work with students, organization of pre-university training, improvement of methodical skill and qualification of teaching staff.


A graduate of the European Lyceum is:

  • an intellectual, creative personality, capable of transformative activity, who has an active life position, the need and ability for constant self-improvement;
  • a person who has a system of clear value guidelines, who has self-analysis skills, is able to adapt in society;
  • a sociable person who knows how to communicate, is able to express his point of view in a reasoned way, listen and understand another person who has critical thinking;
  • a person who possesses the ideas of cooperation as a goal, a means and a tool for implementing innovative communication processes;
  • a person who has a high level of national self-awareness, focused on universal human values, the best qualities of his people;
  • a person who has an optimistic view of the real world, has a holistic picture of the world in the spiritual-moral, sensual, intellectual and practical spheres of activity, built using the opportunities of extracurricular education;
  • a person capable of strengthening, preserving and restoring his health: spiritual, mental, intellectual, physical.